I know what you are thinking. “How can there possibly be this many cool Kenner shelf talkers still around?” I assure you, this parade of awesomeness is going to keep on rolling! Here is a shelf talker for the Girder & Panel building sets. The display is unused and made of thin cardboard. Even though the flash makes the picture look like the display has an orange tint to it, it is actually a very bright and vibrant red.
The shelf talker is printed red with graphics on one side, and blank with adhesive strips on the rear. In a retail environment, the shelf talker would be folded over along the horizontal crease, and attached to a shelf using the adhesive strip on back. These would be used to advertise the different toy lines to kids and adults as they walked down the toy aisle.
This shelf talker measures 24″ long x 5″ tall, and says GIRDER & PANEL ACTION BUILDING SETS. It has the Kenner logo in the lower right hand corner along with the following copyright information: GENERAL MILLS FUN GROUP, INC., 1977 by its DIV. KENNER PRODUCTS, CINCINNATI, O. 45202.
This display also appears on the same 1977 Kenner Toy Fair catalog page as the Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man shelf talkers: