Police Academy: The Animated Series was a cartoon based off the successful movie franchise of the 80’s and early 90’s. The cartoon followed the shenanigans and adventures of the officers from the movies and chronologically falls between the fourth and fifth movies. It amazes me that this franchise was made into a cartoon and then spawned a toy line for kids. If you remember the movies at all they do carry a lot of adult themes and situations.
I recently was able to add the Cadet Set to my collection. This is yet another toy I had when I was younger that I didn’t realize was made by the noble house of Gooney. It came with a foam nightstick, a hydrohat, a radio, and a badge. The radio would hold water and when you squeezed it water would shoot out of the hat.
I was lucky enough to find a set that still had the instructions, cardboard insert, pack-in catalog, and all its contents still sealed. I remember running around my neighborhood with all my friends and we would play cops and robbers for hours.
Being able to put this on a shelf in my toy room brings back a lot of awesome memories!